Dattani ‘s use of music in his play tara. written by lyla , date : 11 july 2018 INTRODUCTION: Mahesh Dattani born on 7 August 1958 is a Banglore – based playwright and director.He has many critically acclaimed plays , films and dramas to his credit .He was also awarded the prestigious Sahitya Akademi award in 1998.He has directed and scripted critically acclaimed films like Mango soufflé and Morning raga . He is also a workshop facilitator for many writing and acting courses , and has conducted workshops in different parts of the world. He also writes script for BBC Radio 4. His plays emerged as ‘ fresh arrival’ in domain of Indian English drama. His plays deals with contemporary issues . His plays have universal appeal . His plays speak across linguistic and cultural barriers . Dattani in his plays not only makes an abundant use of Indian mythology , traditions , ritual and conte...
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