
Showing posts with the label Reality


The word Metaphysics is made up of two Greek words Meta & Physics . Meta means beyond and & Physics means Physical/Nature . So, Metaphysics can be defined as the study of nature of things beyond physical . The term come into from philosophical jargon unintentionally . It was because of Andronicus of Rhodes, he published complete work of Aristotle, and placed his work, after his books of physical treatise. As Aristotle, hadn't given the work of a definite title, Andronicus named it " ta meta ta phusika " & hence came the term metaphysics.                     Metaphysics is often called the crowning part of philosophy . It is concerned with determing the real nature of things. It is philosophical investigation to determine the nature & structure of reality. Metaphysics is also not science . Science is only concerned with physical reality, life & composition, Metaphysics attempts to go beyond all of the...