
Showing posts with the label Plato

Plato's Republic

Plato is one of the most discussed & widely read philosophers. He was a disciple of Socrates . The question that Plato raised dominated the philosophical thought for centuries. The Republic , is one of the most popular books of Plato, that is presented in the form of dialogues between Socrates & 3 different interlocutors. This cherished text of Plato, is an examination into the notation of the perfect community & the ideal individual within that perfect community . Plato is the writer of The Republic, but protagonist of the book is Socrates.            Plato in Republic, step by step forms his ideal state, the earliest political Utopia. His idea of ideal state, seems great, but still flawed. So, what led Plato to form his own idea of Republic ? Various political thinkers had identified the reasons for it. Some of the reasons are :-  1. Plato, being born in an Aristocratic family had a natural antipathy towards democracy & ...


The word Metaphysics is made up of two Greek words Meta & Physics . Meta means beyond and & Physics means Physical/Nature . So, Metaphysics can be defined as the study of nature of things beyond physical . The term come into from philosophical jargon unintentionally . It was because of Andronicus of Rhodes, he published complete work of Aristotle, and placed his work, after his books of physical treatise. As Aristotle, hadn't given the work of a definite title, Andronicus named it " ta meta ta phusika " & hence came the term metaphysics.                     Metaphysics is often called the crowning part of philosophy . It is concerned with determing the real nature of things. It is philosophical investigation to determine the nature & structure of reality. Metaphysics is also not science . Science is only concerned with physical reality, life & composition, Metaphysics attempts to go beyond all of the...