The word Metaphysics is made up of two Greek words Meta & Physics. Meta means beyond and & Physics means Physical/Nature. So, Metaphysics can be defined as the study of nature of things beyond physical. The term come into from philosophical jargon unintentionally. It was because of Andronicus of Rhodes, he published complete work of Aristotle, and placed his work, after his books of physical treatise. As Aristotle, hadn't given the work of a definite title, Andronicus named it "ta meta ta phusika" & hence came the term metaphysics.
Metaphysics is often called the crowning part of philosophy. It is concerned with determing the real nature of things. It is philosophical investigation to determine the nature & structure of reality. Metaphysics is also not science. Science is only concerned with physical reality, life & composition, Metaphysics attempts to go beyond all of these. It transcends all apparent phenomena, to seek, what is essentially & invariably present in everything, the investigation of ultimate reality.
Metaphysics is concerned with themes, such as :-
• Being as such.
• Ultimate/primary cause of things.
• The eternal, which doesn't change.
Ancient people/philosophers were greatly troubled by the one aspect of physical world. The world appeared to them as kaleidoscopic picture of continuous change or flux. Everyone wanted to go to beyond the physicality of things. A need to dive into metaphysical inquiry, to seek the ultimately reality was felt. Pre Socrates scholars, such as Thales & Anaximenes tried to explain all reality as ultimately reducible to one single material object. For, Thales the arche, which means origin/beginning is water, & for Anaximenes, it is fire. Also, Aristotle's " 1st Philosophy" defines Metaphysics as "Being qua being", that is the study of being just as it is, being's most fundamental form. For Plato, the external world is appearance, & real world is realm of eternal & unchanging ideas of forms. Plato calls forms as archtypes , & objects of real world, as their copies or adumbrations. The knowledge of forms can only be gained through intellectual perceptions of the soul.
Various religious & philosophies of world also deals with Metaphysics. Infact theology, which is study of Religion or god science, is one of the part of Metaphysics. The Panch-bhuta theory of Hindus states nature & all of its expressions aate composed of 5 basic elements, such as, earth, water, fire, space and air. Taoism attempts to explain ultimate reality as composed of Yin & Yang.
Besides, theology, Metaphysics also has three other parts, such as ontology, Metaphysics of soul & cosmology. Ontology is the science of being, which is very fundamental to concept of metaphysics. Ontological theories such as idealism & materialism, tries to explain ultimate reality either as ideas, or material reality. Metaphysics of soul tries to explain being's connection with soul, the Atma & Sharir , while cosmology deals with the origin, study of universe, & how it can be related to god & science.
Metaphysics only relates with questions, what is there ? and what it is like? as well as seeks to enquire the eternal truth. Metaphysics is nothing, but a philosophy explaining these questions in whole.
Written by :- oddessaywriter
Edited by :- Aryan
Image sources :- Google
Metaphysics really hasn't a single defination in world ,but must say very enriching info in itself