Plato's Republic
Plato is one of the most discussed & widely read philosophers. He was a disciple of Socrates. The question that Plato raised dominated the philosophical thought for centuries. The Republic, is one of the most popular books of Plato, that is presented in the form of dialogues between Socrates & 3 different interlocutors. This cherished text of Plato, is an examination into the notation of the perfect community & the ideal individual within that perfect community .Plato is the writer of The Republic, but protagonist of the book is Socrates.
Plato in Republic, step by step forms his ideal state, the earliest political Utopia. His idea of ideal state, seems great, but still flawed. So, what led Plato to form his own idea of Republic ? Various political thinkers had identified the reasons for it. Some of the reasons are :-
1. Plato, being born in an Aristocratic family had a natural antipathy towards democracy & this was further excorbated by death penalty imposed on Socrates by a democratic Athenian state.
2. After its defeat in Peloponnesian war, Athens become a failed state, and Plato forming the idea of his own Republic, can be seen as an attempt to radically transform Athenian society & questioning cherished sources of authority and criticising morality.
3. Plato was inspired by the Myth of Sparta. Sparta was a military autocracy, back then. Plato's Republic contains many features of Spartan State.
In the very beginning, Plato starts to form the idea of his Republic, by discussing the concept of Justice. He draws similarity between individual justice & Justice of Polity. According to Plato, Political Justice can only be served, when serve their functions as determined by tripartite souls. Plato divides human soul in three parts.
1. Appetitive
2. Spirited
3. Rational part
These three, try to pull individual in different directions, as each part vie for dominance.
But, individual has the sole choice to determine, which part he wants to feed. Appetitive & spirited part makes us equal to animals, but the presence of Rational part is what makes us human. And a virtuous individual should try to feed his rational part more than any other part & this will also help him in balancing all three parts equally.
After this Plato, goes on to connect it to the Polity, having a similar tripartite structure. In Society, classes of individual occupy natural strata of society.
The classes are :-
1. Kings
2. Aristocrats
3. Workers
Each strata, represents the individual governed by any of 3 differing part of soul, suggested earlier by Plato. Plato goes on to the imagine a rule by philosopher, who others will obey out of an understanding of their own rightful place in society. So, it seems that Plato's Republic will only consist of People, who are able to do justice with themselves & consequently provide justice to society. In other words, there will be a rule by people, who are governed by a rational part & the rule will be over the people who are governed by rational part. Balance & Reason would dominate his Republic.
Further Plato, goes on to divide citizens of his Republic into three parts :-
1. Common People
2. Soldiers
3. Guardians
Only guardians will have the right to rule & they will be selected only once by legislators (author of the constitution). After this, they will have a right to succeed by heredity. Plato argues they there will be no objection to the rule of guardian, because they will have no relation with popular desire and hopes. They will at best only implement, what Plato considers ideal as well as, intentions of legislators.
But, how it will be ensured that guardians will follow intentions of legislators ? For this, Plato purposes a series of Political, economic, educational & other measures, such as
1. Republic would have no property & family system, because these can lead to corruption.
2. There should be community living & community eating.
3. Women & children will be commonly shared. Children shall be taken away at a certain stage & will be taken care by state.
4. Weak & infirm children should be put to death at birth
Plato also talks about the proper type of education. There should be austere training of bodies. Athenian education was restricted to male children. Plato takes it one step furthers & argued for a truly perfect state. He doesn't see difference between men & women capabilities. According to Plato, for a perfect society to exist, both men & women should be educated. Education will consist of culture & gymnastics. There should be a structured system of education, divided at different stages. The position of individual in society will be determined by their merit.
Besides these things, Plato also advocated about strict censorship of literature, drama & music a creation of a myth that would make human believe God has only created men of 3 kinds.Everyone in republic would care about their work & not interfere in other's work.
Republic is definitely , one of his greatest & most loved work, but if someone judges it according to modern scenario, it will seem flawed. In era where Democracy, Socialism, liberty, equality & rights are. reserved, Plato's notion of Republic seems like totalitarian state. Plato makes no allowances for human emotions & needs. Moreover, his ideas of censoring the art and hereditary succession are highly appalling to the notion of modern states. But, one should remember, Plato was writing at time, whn tyrants ruled & used resources for self-interest & the state was highly corrupt. Despite its flaw, The Republic has lot to offer even to modern world. His ideas of meritocracy & leader acting for citizen's interest, a gender equality in education are still relevant, in modern political & democratic theories.
Written by :- oddessaywriter
Edited by :- aryan
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