Importance of youth for Nation
Adolf Hitler once said :-
"He alone who owns the youth, gains the future"
The quote very much signifies the importance of youth, for any nation, who wants to own the future youth consists of major portion of the world's population. They cannot be ignored. For any nation, youth is the most vital asset & is the only hope for the future.
The role of youth in nation-building is more important than someone can think. young people are energetic, they have new ideas and prospectives. They are evolver of social, economic, political & cultural transformation. With their new ideas and revolutionary voice, they act as agent of change.
Youth of any country have a lot of potential. What is needed, is to put & guide their potential to right use. Having a enormous youth population is not the need, but having the right kind of youth population is the need, for talking a country forward.
Swami Vivekanand, once said :-
"My hope for future, lies in the youth of characters, intelligent, renouncing all for the services of others, obedient, good to themselves & the country at large".
Today's youth will act as tomorrow's doctors, engineers, actors, managers, writers or even political leaders & they will have a responsibility to represent the country at all levels. So, there is a need for harnessing the youth power in the right direction. For that, there should be a genuine govt's effort to introduce right kind of youth policies, programs & quality skill and education, so that youth can be converted into active architect of development.
A nation needs to involve the youth, to achieve the goals of development that it has set. Doesn't matter what field it is, government of any country needs to ensure that youth participation is present, for the progress of the country. Another important things, that need to be ensured is that youth shouldn't grow up in " culture of silence". The voice of youth is very powerful to bring a change in society. Whether it's Indian youth on roads after Nirbhaya, or Miss Greta Thunberg's "How dare you?" remark at UN all led to think about changes, that are needed. Youth growing up in the culture of silence will only provide hindrance to any country's development.
So, youths are ultimately the building blocks of the nation, The zeal & enthusiasm of youth needs to be channelized in right direction, for a country to flourish stronger youth will mean stronger nation. Don't create future for youth, but create youth for future.
Written by :- oddessaywriter
Edited by :-aryan
Image sources:-google
Beautifully written