The notion of Power is many-sided &rather sophisticated. Power seems to be the centre of everything. Every major event, in this world in one way or another revolves around Power and ways of sustaining the power.
Since time immemorial power has been studied & discussed in different times by different researchers, phisolphers, political leader and so on.
Power is many things. It is a necessary component in any society, without it all pandemonium would break loose. In society, the structure of power begins from a very basic institution, that is family. In family, power structure is divided between the elders of the house. There is also a term called Family power. It can be defined as the ability of one individual to change the behaviour of other family members. Usually, in families, father & mother has the power to take decisions, as well as implement them, for the welfare of other family members.
Generally in Politics & Social Science, power can be defined as ability to dominate or control others, usually their sayings and actions. It is an ability to get whatever you want. If power is exercised properly, it can do wonders for the society. But, if there, is concentration of power at one place in society, it can lead to dictatorship & tyranny. Nobody likes concentration of power. Lord Acton once said "Power tends to corrupt people & absolute power corrupts".
A good example of this is Hitler of Nazi Germany. Hitler was very ambitious with power. He believed that he couldn't be stopped & rules didn't apply to him. People were scared of him. As a result, Germany was corrupted. Finally, World War 2 broke out, & Hitler had to succumb to the consequences of his evil acts.
But one question really arises here. It is really, the power that corrupts people, or the fear of loss of power that corrupts people. The truth is that, once someone get extreme power, they didn't want to return it back, & again feel powerless. So, it can be said that it the fear of being powerless that corrupts people.
History is nothing more than a story of struggle for power. The world had to witness the tragedy of WW1 & WW2, because there existed a struggle between various nations to assert themselves as powerful, through the means of war. After this, the concept of Balance of Power emerged.
Balance of Power is a policy & power of a nation or group of nations, protection itself against another nation or group of nations, by matching it's power against the power of other side. There existed & still existed, a bipolar balance of power between USA & USSR. During WW2, nations of West Europe sided with USA & NATO. While Soviet Union allies in Central and Eastern Europe become unified under Soviet leadership in WARSAW pact. This bipolar balance of power ended with disintegration of USSR. After 1991 USA considers Russia as a defeated superpower & itself emerged with a new concept of superpower.
The term superpower was 1st used by William R.Fox. Superpower meant, a nation that has the ability to influence world Politics and other events. In very general terms, is means to occupy highest status in world politics. One thing that needs to be understood about power, is that, it is not important to gain power & be satisfied with it. What is more important is that, after gaining power, there should be a continuous struggle to remain powerful. For example, USA continues to rule the world, because it constantly tries to remain powerful. USA always focus on creation of Power, through means of Research & Development as well as innovation. USA strives for new kind of power, which helps it to monopolize the market, & ultimately dominate the world.
In Society, government is itself an institution of power. It creates other institutions of power & does a democratic decentralisation of Power, for the effective and Systematic functioning of the society. In government & its executive bodies, power can also be seen as an act of persuasion. Government tries to persuade, organisations, people, as well as other nation. So, it can be said that diplomacy is itself a power.
State of India, recognizes this in Article 51 (d) of DPSP, which says that
"Encourage settlement of International disputes by arbitration".
A good arbitration is only possible, if diplomacy is good. India's policy of NAM & Panchsheel are good examples, that how the power of diplomacy can promote International peace & security.
Civil services Institution can also be seen as bodies to execute powers. But, here, with Great Power, comes great responsibility. Civil services officers have also great authority to take decisions, according to legitimate social structure & institutions. Power has both positive as well as negative connation, but it depends on how a person uses it. Power for officers is duty bound. If power gives them, authority to take decisions, then at the same time, it also makes them accountable to people/government. Accountability is an important essence here. Indeed, Power is a real test of a men's character.
To conclude, one can say that Power is the ability to get others do, what you want, government is having the power to take decisions. But, what is important, is that there should be no concentration of power, & power should be exercised in a legitimate format. In one way whole of political science, concerned with power, & Ethics is also branch of Political Science. So, Power is also important in Ethics. It is centre of Everything & is necessary.
Edited by :-Aryan
Written by:- oddessaywriter
Image sources:- google images ,az quotes.
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