Summum Bonum

Summum Bonum

Summum Bonum is a latin phrase given by Cicero. It basically means the greatest good or greatest pleasure in life. It is a very important term in Greek Philosophy. It is generally thought of an end in itself. Summum Bonum is not inferior to any other good, infact it contains in itself all other forms of good.
               The term was used in medival philosophy. The concept of Summum Bonum by discussed by many Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle, Socrates, to describe the ultimate importance, the singular, overriding, which a man ought to pursue. But none of them precisely named it, because the term Summum Bonum was developed later.
               The question that arise with the concept of Summum Bonum are :-
               1.what is good pleasure ?
          2.what is the way to achieve that ?
          Different philosophers have different answers, regarding these questions. Aristotle equates the idea of Summum Bonum with the "soul's activity of excellence in a complete life". According the him, who has lived a complete life (Eudaimon) - is the one who has successfully sought the greatest good/pleasure. Socrates believed that Ethics, has an end in or a standard, the percepts or means of achieving the end flows from the ethical theory. Both Socrates and Plato referred to the final end of conduct as " the art of dealing with human beings" the "art of behaving in the society" and the "science of human happiness". So it can be said that for them, Ethics is just a means to achieve summum bonum. Summum Bonum, basically lies in the following virtue.
                 Even, the religions of this world, deals with the idea of summum bonum in one way or other. For example, the wholesystem of Hindu ethics is founded in the postulation of summum bonum & the means to achieve it. In Hinduism, the highest ideal or state of Liberation, Moksha is the summum bonum. In it, a person finds, self-fulfilment & deepest bliss. Infact, in most of religions, highest good is defined as the life of righteous/ or life led in communion with God and according to god's percepts.
                  The peace can also be viewed as summum bonum. It is good in all situations. It brings normally development, progress. There are 2 kinds of peace.
                  1. Individual peace, peace of mind.
            2. Society peace.
                  Peace of mind, holds utmost importance, for an individual. It is the issue of self management. A large number of individuals at peace, can bring the society at peace.So, peace of society is the result of Individuals Peace. The highest idea that any society wants to achieve is the peace, so, Peace can be also viewed as summum bonum.
                  So, the concept of summum bonum, holds utmost importance in human life, society, as well as every aspect related to it. Almost, everyone & everything strives for summum bonum. Summum Bonum is not the reason for being moral. It is rather the later goal of being moral.


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