
Human beings are creature of time. We make shedules, time-tables, we often complain about "bad times", rejoice "good times". Sometimes we have more time, some time we have less time. Our songs often talk about time. So, a question aries; 

                    What is time ?

It is a perpetual mystry ? A ancient debate ? or something else ? Humanity has been consistently trying to comprehend the concept of time, since the beginning of time itself. Several philosophers, teachers, scientists, theologists, everyone wants to understand & define time as well as become aware of the true nature of time. Questions like

                    Q) If time really exists or not ?
                    Q) If time is physical or psychological ?
                    Q) Does time have a beginning or end ?
                    Q) Is it cyclical or straight ?

& several other questions, has formed a major debate on time. Time is more complicated than someone can think. St. Augustine, rightly quoted once;
                    "What, then is time ? If no one asks me, I know what it is, If I wish to explain it to him, who asks, I don't know".
                    Time is no simple thing. It's complex, multilayered concept. Time is definitely not clock, for clocks only measure time. Time is often represented through change. 
For example, cycle of Moon, change of season, sun rising & setting. Passing of time is closely connected to space. According to theory of Relativity, space or universe, emerged in Big Bang same 13.7 million years ago. Before, Big Bang, there was no space or time. One of the peculiar qualities of time, is that, it is represented through motion. General theory of Relativity, also states that, development of universe would shrink into tiny dot again, which would end the concept of time as we know it.
                    Philosophers like Aristotle describes time as some thing dependant on motion, but this dependancy is only one way. Motion can run without time. Plato, believed that time was created by creators, at the same time as heavens. But, there's also a scientific element to the Plato's concept of time. He indentified time with the period of motions of heavenly bodies. He also talked about "Great Year", which is complete cycle of equinoxes around the ecliptic, which in very simple terms can also mean, return of planets & the fixed stars to their original relative positions, a process that takes around 25,800 years. The Pythagoreans & stoic Philosophers, saw the end of this cycle as the end of time itself, after that history will start to repeat itself, all over again, in an endless competition. Kant thinks of time as " transdentatity ideal". Ideas of Presentism & Eternalism, also define philosophy of time. Presentism states that only, present is real, while Eternalism states that all point (past, present, future) are equally real.
  Time, is also often thought as something completely Psychological, which exists within the mind of human beings. For example, if someone has no work at any movement, 5 minutes, would seem like 5 hours. And if someone has work, or busy, even 5 hours seems like 5 minutes.
                    If we look at various cultures around world, then, one can say that each culture have their own attitudes, concepts; as well as figures regarding time. Chronemics, is the study of the use of time & the way time is perceived & valued by individuals & cultures. For example, "on-time" can have different meaning in India & Japan. There future-oriendted cultures as Monochronic cultures, such as America, Japan, Germany, Britain, Canada. In these countries, people live by clocks, always looking to future. Focus is always on "getting the job done". There perception of time is probably rooted in Industrial Revolution. Then there are some past oriented cultures or polychronic cultures, such as India, Pakistan, Mexico, Africa etc. where there is a kind of laid back attitude to time. Several hours, or even a full day late, without creating undue stress & turmoil. It is  because of 1000 years of, history behind them, they have such along point of view, that time at scale of minutes, or even hours, becomes insignificant.
                    Various religions of world, also have different view points of time. In Greek, Khronus, is the god of time.
European folklore, consists of old Father time. In theological viewpoint of time, some things are certain :- 
                    1) Scriptures makes distinction between temporal and eternal.
                    2) Time doesn't relate to god & men in same way
Gods are immortal/eternal, having different time frames. Humans are mortal, having a definite time frame. When God is awake, material reality is achieved, when it rests, everything halts similar to expansion & contraction of material universe, according to Modern theories of origin of universe.
                    Religions like, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism all hold a cyclical view of time, as compared to linear philosophy of time. Kalachakra, wheel of time, represents this view. In Hinduism, time is reffered as Kala. It means both time & death. Vedas, talk about, universe going through, repeated cycles of creation, destruction, rebirth.
Islam also views time to be a test of people, so that people learn to use it properly. Bible commence, with the work "In the beginning, god created heavens & earth, which can also signify that God was the one responsible for creation of time. Christianity, had a linear concept of time. Christianity views, time as a "road" with phases like Past-Present-Future, which everyone had to pass to reach ultimate goal.
                    So, time is complex, it seemss like, everything but still nothing. It past, present & future. It's also a forward movement. It continuously passes, non-stop. Human beings just follow it through clocks, calendar etc. an person/thing is born into time & ends in time. Time used properly is money. Time seems like eternal, permanent, primeval. Time is not born, neither the time will die.
Written by :- oddessaywriter
Inputs by :- aryan 
Image sources :- Google


  1. Wow it's has given me some amazing information regarding time ,it's very helpful for gaining knowledge ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


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