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Plato's Republic

Plato is one of the most discussed & widely read philosophers. He was a disciple of Socrates . The question that Plato raised dominated the philosophical thought for centuries. The Republic , is one of the most popular books of Plato, that is presented in the form of dialogues between Socrates & 3 different interlocutors. This cherished text of Plato, is an examination into the notation of the perfect community & the ideal individual within that perfect community . Plato is the writer of The Republic, but protagonist of the book is Socrates.            Plato in Republic, step by step forms his ideal state, the earliest political Utopia. His idea of ideal state, seems great, but still flawed. So, what led Plato to form his own idea of Republic ? Various political thinkers had identified the reasons for it. Some of the reasons are :-  1. Plato, being born in an Aristocratic family had a natural antipathy towards democracy & ...


Human beings are creature of time. We make shedules, time-tables, we often complain about "bad times", rejoice "good times". Sometimes we have more time, some time we have less time. Our songs often talk about time. So, a question aries;                      What is time ? It is a perpetual mystry ? A ancient debate ? or something else ? Humanity has been consistently trying to comprehend the concept of time, since the beginning of time itself. Several philosophers, teachers, scientists, theologists, everyone wants to understand & define time as well as become aware of the true nature of time. Questions like                     Q) If time really exists or not ?                     Q) If time is physical or psychological ?                     Q) Does time have a beginnin...


  Truth ? What is it ? Perhaps! It is one of the biggest question , that humanity has ever came across. Truth has always been a important part of human society. Being truthful, is one of the qualities through which a individual is judged to be good & bad in society. In court , witness often swear to tell the truth , the whole truth & nothing but the truth. They are expected to know what truth means, & in some sense, they do know. For them, truth is telling the incidents, as it happened. But is, the concept of truth really that much simple ? The answer is "no". It is abstract ambiguous & mysterious. The question of truth has troubled many wise-heads & philosophers, since ages.                     Truth is a subject of such a vast extent, that whatever little progress, humankind has made in it, seems scarcely noticeable. It matters most in our everyday life & relations . Yet! It's a   v...


The notion of Power is many-sided &rather sophisticated . Power seems to be the centre of everything. Every major event, in this world in one way or another revolves around Power and ways of sustaining the power.                     Since time immemorial power has been studied & discussed in different times by different researchers, phisolphers, political leader and so on.                     Power is many things. It is a necessary component in any society , without it all pandemonium would break loose. In society, the structure of power begins from a very basic institution, that is family . In family, power structure is divided between the elders of the house . There is also a term called Family power . It can be defined as the ability of one individual to change the behaviour of other family members . Usually, in families, father & mother has the power to take...

Importance of youth for Nation

Adolf Hitler once said :-                     "He alone who owns the youth, gains the future"           The quote very much signifies the importance of youth, for any nation, who wants to own the future youth consists of major portion of the world's population. They cannot be ignored. For any nation,  youth is the most vital asset & is the only hope for the future.                     The role of youth in nation-building is more important than someone can think. young people are energetic , they have new ideas and prospectives . They are evolver of social, economic, political & cultural transformation. With their new ideas and revolutionary voice, they act as agent of change.                Youth of any country have a lot of potential. What is needed, is to put & guide their potential...


The word Metaphysics is made up of two Greek words Meta & Physics . Meta means beyond and & Physics means Physical/Nature . So, Metaphysics can be defined as the study of nature of things beyond physical . The term come into from philosophical jargon unintentionally . It was because of Andronicus of Rhodes, he published complete work of Aristotle, and placed his work, after his books of physical treatise. As Aristotle, hadn't given the work of a definite title, Andronicus named it " ta meta ta phusika " & hence came the term metaphysics.                     Metaphysics is often called the crowning part of philosophy . It is concerned with determing the real nature of things. It is philosophical investigation to determine the nature & structure of reality. Metaphysics is also not science . Science is only concerned with physical reality, life & composition, Metaphysics attempts to go beyond all of the...

Summum Bonum

Summum Bonum Summum Bonum is a latin phrase given by Cicero . It basically means the greatest good or greatest pleasure in life . It is a very important term in Greek Philosophy . It is generally thought of an end in itself. Summum Bonum is not inferior to any other good, infact it contains in itself all other forms of good.                The term was used in medival philosophy. The concept of Summum Bonum by discussed by many Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle, Socrates, to describe the ultimate importance, the singular, overriding, which a man ought to pursue. But none of them precisely named it, because the term Summum Bonum was developed later.                The question that arise with the concept of Summum Bonum are :-                 1.what is good pleasure ?           2.what is the way to achieve that ?    ...